Spring has already arrived in Shanghai. But many of us cannot enjoy the beautiful weather outside, yet. The good news is some compounds and streets are going to be released these days.
The rest of us just need to wait a little more until Shanghai is fully open again.
Is your compound going to get released soon? If not, find out how long you have to stay in quarantine👇
Spoiler alert: It depends on whether you have yáng 🐑 in your living area..
New Vocab
It’s common in the Chinese language to replace some harsh, serious words with their ‘milder’ equivalents. In the same way, 阳 (yáng), “positive” is a serious word – so people online found a way to avoid it by using a homonym 羊 (yáng), “sheep/goat”. And in the century of emojis, 羊 quickly became 🐑 !
阳 (性)
yáng (xìng)
a positive case
解封 Jiěfēng | Lockdown Release
To find out when your compound is getting released, check if there’s a positive case 🐑. Here is how it works in different living areas 👇

如果你的楼有 “羊/阳”,需要在家隔离14天。
Rúguǒ nǐ de lóu yǒu “yáng”, xūyào zài jiā gélí shísì tiān.
If there’s a case in your building, you’ll have to stay in quarantine for 14 days.

如果你的小区有 “羊/阳”,需要在家隔离7天。
Rúguǒ nǐ de xiǎoqū yǒu “yáng”, xūyào zài jiā gélí qī tiān.
If there’s a case in your compound, you’ll have to stay in quarantine for 7 days.

如果你的街道有 “羊/阳”,需要在家隔离7天。不过可以下楼遛弯或者遛狗。
Rúguǒ nǐ de jiēdào yǒu “yáng”, xūyào zài jiā gélí qī tiān. Bùguò kěyǐ xiàlóu liùwān huòzhě liùgǒu.
If there’s a case in your street, you’ll have to stay in quarantine for 7 days.
But you still can take a walk or walk your dog near your building.
We hope that this article will be useful and help you learn about lockdown release rules. To learn more useful Chinese vocabulary and phrases, check out one of our blog posts Describe a Day in the Lockdown in Chinese
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